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∎ Libro Free Little Glass Men edition by Conor Walsh Literature Fiction eBooks

Little Glass Men edition by Conor Walsh Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Little Glass Men edition by Conor Walsh Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Little Glass Men  edition by Conor Walsh Literature  Fiction eBooks

Saint Forester's Military Sanitarium, a post-WWI hospital for wounded and diseased veterans, stands at the corner of despair and oblivion. Staffed by a myriad of uncaring, mechanical doctors and nurses, the hospital is no place for rehabilitation - it is little more than some place for the one-time-soldiers to slowly and monotonously live out the rest of their days.

Little Glass Men gives a look at the bleak day-to-day existance of several of the patients and staff at Saint Forester's. You'll meet Lombardi, the Italian with a crippled body but burning spirit. If you're fortunate perhaps you'll avoid Norman, whose grip on reality splinters further with each passing day. Garrett is about due for a visit from someone; his family certainly won't be in to check on the gaping hole where one of his lungs used to be. But of course, to see him would be to neglect another, and there's certainly no shortage of unfortunate, forgotten souls at this particular hospital...

Little Glass Men edition by Conor Walsh Literature Fiction eBooks

A beautifully told story of love, honor, fear and redemption in the face of lives destroyed by surviving the Great War. If this is the first novel from Mr Walsh, I cannot wait to read what he's got up his sleeve (and imagination) next!! Well Done!

Product details

  • File Size 1096 KB
  • Print Length 240 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date May 25, 2015
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00Y9YM6D2

Read Little Glass Men  edition by Conor Walsh Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Little Glass Men - Kindle edition by Conor Walsh. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Little Glass Men.,ebook,Conor Walsh,Little Glass Men,FICTION Historical
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Little Glass Men edition by Conor Walsh Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Damn good book. Goes into the horrors that veterans of WW1 went through afterwards mentally. I would reconmend
We've all began to enjoy something new when a friend claims to have known about it 'before it was popular'... well, this is your chance to be that friend and mean it when you claim to have read Conor Walsh before he was discovered.

Through the vivid perspectives of abandoned war veterans and their caretakers, the story's characters live far beyond the bound's of their stories. An enjoyable read that left me wishing for more. Highly recommend.
This is an amazing journey through the halls of a post WW-I sanitarium. Characters are well developed, with surprises laid throughout the plot line. A remarkable first work! The story line kept my interest, which is more than I can say for many works from famous authors. Well worth the price. Hope the author continues to publish his work. I would like to watch his abilities grow, as he becomes an acknowledged professional writer. There is no doubt that he has the ability, if he continues to work to develop his skills! Bravo!
I first met the author and learned about his book at The Festival of Books. The moment I had the book in my hand and talked to the author, I was intrigued.

I really like these types of stories, where you're in the character's head. It's dim and dark, and Walsh captures the atmosphere well and transports the reader to St. Foresters.
I loved the thread of questions that are sewn throughout each chapter Why is Norman so guilty? What happened to the bandaged man? Who is Emerson? Each character's perspective builds on the other ones. And the twists were great, too! It all ties together in the end.
He does a brilliant job illustrating the affects of war on many varied individuals and roles, not just the soldiers fighting, but field surgeons and their families as well, for example. The cast is so very diverse.
I also need to applaud Walsh for the lack of any anachronisms. Even the metaphors and references are time-appropriate, such as "Everything seemed to lag, to move at half-pace, like a film reel in a broken projector." The story touches on history, but allows for the disconnect the character's feel from the outside world.
For as much as you are in the character's head, you also have the action from the memories of war. Though this is an historical fiction, it truly has a little bit of everything, mystery, action, love, etc. The writing is powerful and I look forward to more from Conor Walsh!
Little Glass Men is one of the only historical fictions I’ve enjoyed. The combination of concrete imagery, psychologically intense characters, and stifling atmosphere makes for an engrossing and unforgettable read. Highly recommended!
Little Glass Men is a fantastic exploration of men injured during war. It grows in depth as it introduces each character and the hospital setting becomes a capsule of secrets and personal discoveries. I highly recommend grabbing a copy and finding out for yourselves the effects of war on a person’s physical and mental capabilities.
I was so impressed by this book from start to finish! The author does an excellent job of setting the stage for each scene with just the right amount of flavor and detail. I found myself engaged in each character's story and the arcs of their tragedies and salvations.
A beautifully told story of love, honor, fear and redemption in the face of lives destroyed by surviving the Great War. If this is the first novel from Mr Walsh, I cannot wait to read what he's got up his sleeve (and imagination) next!! Well Done!
Ebook PDF Little Glass Men  edition by Conor Walsh Literature  Fiction eBooks

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